Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day...

High from the earth I heard a bird;
He trod upon the trees
As he esteemed them trifles,
And then he spied a breeze,
And situated softly
Upon a pile of wind
Which in a perturbation
Nature had left behind.
A joyous-going fellow
I gathered from his talk,
Which both of benediction
And badinage partook,
Without apparent burden,
I learned, in leafy wood
He was the faithful father
Of a dependent brood;
And this untoward transport
His remedy for care,—
A contrast to our respites.
How different we are!

- Emily Dickinson (1896) [Source]


MariaFaizal said...

I think Ms Dickinson had had a wonderful father, fathering her. Beautiful!

Happy Daddy's Day to you KY (whenever you're ready :)

Reanaclaire said...


(oh, btw, are u married?)
hehehe....sorry, if u haven't .. but can still wish, right?

Chloe Ling said...

It was a great poem!! Happy Father's day!!

D.L Sumunie said...

Married or single, daddy or not a daddy..I wanna wish you a happy fathers day...he he

Happy sunday too!!

Anonymous said...

...but....happy future father's day to u...hahahhaa

KY Chua said...

Wah! Everyone is wishing me happy father's day. Thank you very much. :D Don't worry you all. I will be a father someday. ;) So, to the specifics:

KY Chua said...

Maria/Faizal: Well, I don't know if her father was wonderful or not. However, according to [Wiki], she's closer to her father than her mother. But her poem was beautiful, yes. :)

KY Chua said...

Claire: Sure can wish 的. :D Psst, will be married. :P ;)

KY Chua said...

Chloe, you like the poem? I heard it last time like, ages ago... So, search the net and voila! Here it is. :D

KY Chua said...

Sumunie, there's a "fatherhood" inside of me. :) Prove? I'm getting "soft" around children. :D Happy Sunday to you too. ;)

KY Chua said...

DeePo: but... thanks anyway. I take it as a prayer to myself. :D