Original Title: Guan Eng Urges PM To Adopt Six Reform Measures. [Click to read.]
My arrangement: Guan Eng urges PM to adopt SIX reforms (with numbered list). ;)
PENANG: DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng is urging Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to adopt six reform measures in order to make the “One Malaysia, People First and Performace Now” concept work.
Lim’s six “urged” reform measures are:
- Najib must ban racial-based political parties that restrict membership to one race, such as (content omitted).
- Najib is hoped to walk the talk on human rights and liberties by abolishing and not review the ISA.
- Abolish the Sedition Act and the Printing Presses and Publications Acts to build an independent press, establish freedom of information and build a democracy responsive to people’s needs.
- Najib must also renew the commitment to fight corruption, “which means (content omitted).”
- To reduce electricity tariffs, stop the gas subsidy to the independent power producers and stop toll increase by buying over the highways to help ordinary Malaysians.
- To institutionalise democracy and return power to people by (content omitted).
No offense is intended to Bernama or anybody elses. Cheers! ;)
msian politicians say the darnedest things..hahahahhahahaha
I am apolitical dear. ;)
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