Darn! GregChai beat me for the post although I put the ad on my side post first. :) Ah, never mind, I always the later. ;) As long as someone vote for Sipadan, who cares? Right! So, bravo to Greg for besting me. ;)
So, I just want to contribute a little. If you want to put side Ad like mine:
- Open your page element (yep, the one you use to edit your layout, if you still blur, just click on the customize button above)
- Add a gadget.
- Choose HTML/Java Script.
- Then copy these code below and paste them in the content, don't forget the title (you can put whatever your heart's content).
- Click save and voila, you have a self made ad. ;)
The code:
<a href="http://www.new7wonders.com/nature/en/index/" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 200px;" alt="Vote Sipadan for New 7 Wonders of Nature" src="http://www.new7wonders.com/file/inline/id/1690/art/360x/" title="Vote Sipadan for New 7 Wonders of Nature" /> </a>
If you want to have EXACTLY like mine with the blinking as well, just copy the following code and paste it after the code above. ;)
The code2:
You can do more. Click <a href="http://kychua.blogspot.com/2009/04/vote-for-sipadan-new-7-wonders-of.html"><b>here</b></a> to learn how to put ad like this.
<b><u><blink>Breaking news</blink></u> (Apr 20, 2009):</b>
Sipadan is currently no. 14 out of 30 (up from no. 17 last week) in Group B category (Islands). [<a href="http://www.new7wonders.com/nature/en/liveranking/">Source</a>] We need to be at least no. 11 to go to next round. Guys, use all your emails to vote for Sipadan. Let us put Malaysia in New 7 wonders of Nature!
Cheers! ;)
You'll need to update your ad weekly. Sorry, still don't how to automated the position number. Have a nice day, you all. Cheers! ;)
yeah...i voted to...hihi
cool bro, we can do it together :D
Kay: Good for you! You should change your code a little, say change the width to 180, or increase your left-margin-wrapper, say plus 10-20. ;)
DeePo: Good for you too. Didn't see any site from Sarawak though. If not will vote for all-Malaysian sites. ;)
Greg: Thx bro. You're the man. ;)
All: Thanks for voting!
Kay: Oops, right-margin-wrapper. :D
Hi KY Chua, not familiar with politics, ha ha.
Anyway, nice to have you from Sarawak dropping in, thanks.
Best regards, Lee.
Lee, I am apolitical, politically speaking of course. ;) BTW, I'm a Sabahan, a Malaysian, and best of all, I am just an ordinary human with hopefully extraordinary soul/mind. ;)
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