Saturday, April 4, 2009

Vote for Sipadan: New 7 Wonders of Nature

[UPDATED: 24 April 2009]

Darn! GregChai beat me for the post although I put the ad on my side post first. :) Ah, never mind, I always the later. ;) As long as someone vote for Sipadan, who cares? Right! So, bravo to Greg for besting me. ;)

So, I just want to contribute a little. If you want to put side Ad like mine:
  1. Open your page element (yep, the one you use to edit your layout, if you still blur, just click on the customize button above)
  2. Add a gadget.
  3. Choose HTML/Java Script.
  4. Then copy these code below and paste them in the content, don't forget the title (you can put whatever your heart's content).
  5. Click save and voila, you have a self made ad. ;)

The code:
<a href="" target="_blank"> <img style="width: 200px;" alt="Vote Sipadan for New 7 Wonders of Nature" src="" title="Vote Sipadan for New 7 Wonders of Nature" /> </a>

If you want to have EXACTLY like mine with the blinking Breaking News as well, just copy the following code and paste it after the code above. ;)

The code2:
You can do more. Click <a href=""><b>here</b></a> to learn how to put ad like this.
<b><u><blink>Breaking news</blink></u> (Apr 20, 2009):</b>
Sipadan is currently no. 14 out of 30 (up from no. 17 last week) in Group B category (Islands). [<a href="">Source</a>] We need to be at least no. 11 to go to next round. Guys, use all your emails to vote for Sipadan. Let us put Malaysia in New 7 wonders of Nature!
Cheers! ;)

You'll need to update your ad weekly. Sorry, still don't how to automated the position number. Have a nice day, you all. Cheers! ;)


Kay Leaf said...


DeePo said...

yeah...i voted to...hihi

GC said...

cool bro, we can do it together :D

KY Chua said...

Kay: Good for you! You should change your code a little, say change the width to 180, or increase your left-margin-wrapper, say plus 10-20. ;)

DeePo: Good for you too. Didn't see any site from Sarawak though. If not will vote for all-Malaysian sites. ;)

Greg: Thx bro. You're the man. ;)

All: Thanks for voting!

KY Chua said...

Kay: Oops, right-margin-wrapper. :D

Lee said...

Hi KY Chua, not familiar with politics, ha ha.
Anyway, nice to have you from Sarawak dropping in, thanks.
Best regards, Lee.

KY Chua said...

Lee, I am apolitical, politically speaking of course. ;) BTW, I'm a Sabahan, a Malaysian, and best of all, I am just an ordinary human with hopefully extraordinary soul/mind. ;)