Friday, May 15, 2009

Unusually Me

Current Mood (One eyebrow raised/twitching), must be something will happen. Ugh, I'm quite superstitious. ;)

Modified Raised-Eyebrow-Smiley by ~Prince-of-Powerpoint on deviantART

Ugh! Was accused of being insincere. Didn't know what to say and still don't. Maybe I was. Sigh... Sorry if you can't read this text properly, the font size represents my current mood... Kecil Hati (小气)...


Lee said...

Hi KYChua, ha ha, just your eye muscles doing aerobics, nothing to worry about.
Maybe you saw a lady via your pc video in bikini? *wink*, ha ha.
Have a nice day, Lee.

MariaFaizal said...

What does it mean when one of our eyes/eyebrows raised/twitching? (does it matter left or right?)

Something good or otherwise is bound to happen?

Tell me,tell me more...

Have a pleasant day.

Reanaclaire said...

think positive..something's good is gonna happen.. but actually the twitching, i read somewhere.. it has something to do with the nerves...

Kay Leaf said...

mau kena lottery sudah ni... LOL

KY Chua said...

Lee: The politically correct answer is, "No comment!" Ha ha! ;) You have a nice day too.

KY Chua said...

Maria&Faizal: There's a myth. If you feel twitch over your eye (right below the eyebrow), good things will happen. If you twitch under the eye, something bad might happen.

Sorry, can't help you more than that. ;) I myself am ignorant of the ancient or "urban" belief. :D

Cheers and have a nice day. ;)

KY Chua said...

Reanaclaire: Thank you for your consolation. Will try to think positive and hope for the best. It's just that the twitching was accompanied by feeling of dread (which I didn't put in my post).

Ugh, perhaps it's just psychology. *Take a deep breath* Will go see my doctor tomorrow. I hope it's just minor nerve problem, stress, or vitamin deficiency. ;)

Cheers! Have a nice day to you. ;)

KY Chua said...

Kay Leaf: Haha! Will buy jackpot tomorrow then. ;)

Cheers! Have a nice days. ;)

Anonymous said...

emmmm....some1 missing u? hehe

KY Chua said...

DeePo: Haha. Hopefully. ;)